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Part of the Great Big Feelings series When a nervous Hooper sees the final spelling bee word on a nearby poster, he takes the easy win. But with his best friend Bax feeling sad over losing, and with Hooper’s family celebrating…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings series Once Ruby starts acting mean to the new girl, Nelly, she can’t stop. Yaz and Keya think it’s funny, so Ruby acts way past mean, the kind of mean that’s like a roller coaster…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings Series Juan is having a hard time with a math worksheet while everyone else in his class seems to breeze through it. When the teacher calls on Juan to put answers on the board, he…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings Series Kat promised to be Sage’s buddy on the class trip, but when it was time to board the bus, Kat sat with someone else. Now Sage is ignoring Kat, and won’t talk to her…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings Series Abbi and Van are having a sleepover at Grammy and Pop’s. Should be fun! But there’s a storm, with loud thunder and bursts of lightning. The lights go out. Van is way past scared.…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings Series It’s a weekend. Two whole days. Dez is away, Keya and Hooper can’t play. Her mom is busy and her brother Luke doesn’t need her help. Even Princess Paws rushes away. What will Macy…Available in Stores and Online
When Home Feels Hard Sera doesn’t always like being at home, where her dad’s anger feels like the strongest thing. School feels better. But when Sera gets into an argument with a friend and finds herself acting like the bully at…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings Series Yaz is jealous. Way past jealous. Yaz loves to draw, but no one ever notices her pictures. Everyone loves Debby’s drawings, and one even got put up on the classroom wall with a star…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings Series James is sad. Way past sad. His best friend, Sanj, is moving away. James feels all alone, and even hugs from Mom don’t take away all his sad. But it helps to talk about…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings Series Brock is worried. Way past worried, with his heart thumping and his mind racing. Today is his friend Juan’s superhero party and he’s going all by himself. What if nobody plays with him? What if everyone…Available in Stores and Online
Part of the Great Big Feelings Series Keya is way past mad. Her little brother Nate messed up everything–even breakfast. She heads to school kicking rocks and sticks. When her best friend Hooper tries to help, Keya shouts, “I don’t even…Available In Stores and Online
Whenever the yelling in his house starts, Quinn uses his imagination to become Commander of the Quiet Ship. There he pretends to travel far, far away from the yelling sounds. A thoughtful treatment of a difficult topic, this story is…